Neo Energy Healing

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What if everyday of our lives is a celebration?
How much fun and magic will we be having
each day and everyday?
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More Testimonials:
"My experience with her Nadia just 2 days ago over skype:
Nadia asked me if there is anything I would like balanced. As I thought to myself, being in a good state after all these years of energetic work done on myself, I requested for my heart chakra checked & improved on.
After a few wave of her hands and some instructions mumbled in the background, I instantly felt a great surge of energy flowing thru my heart.....the energy around my heart expanded instantly and within few
seconds I could feel my whole body cells energised & alive, most of the meridian flows intensified with energy around my head expanding, my crown chakra felt as tremendous instant down pour of energy.
Wow, it was truly an amazing experience....right after I remembered my tightness in my throat area of late mentioned it to her. Nadia checked and cleared it right away and along with the back of the neck and back
head area where she felt needed clearing as well. My spinal alignment was great, I felt light beaming out of my whole body!
Within a couple of minutes this wonderful experience, I felt lightness all over me, as Nadia guided me to release and let go of all the unsuspecting attachments (which I thought that I have consistently cleared and let go), I feel free and with an amazing flexibilty around the whole of my upper body and steadily the rest of the body.....chi was flowing into every single cells and parts of my body.
This experience tells me that simple healing is so subtle and powerful. There is no longer a need for long process, protocol and balances to get the result we desire with an added impact on others & the surrounding around us. This is also a service to heal on a wider scale! JH""Here is what I can remember about the session today:
lots of fragrances at the start... small wafts of sweet and pungent andsour, the clearings were like a finger into a sponge ball being removed allowing the ball to resume it's natural shape, more about this... the things we take on are the "fingers" being pushed into us... when we are released the indentation is a bit 'vacuum' like and the stuff that is us fills that gap / indent but doesn't know the shape it is to assume or where to stop so it expands a bit further than our true edge... thus (when you asked me what percentage of me I have available to myself) my comment, " I'm between 101% and 102% me.."
lots of hot pink, purple and orange one of the clearings was a strip of 1s and 0s = binary code on a sort of black and white ticker tape down my spine... that dissolved and broke into small parts and faded in intensity to nothing. (When you were running the BARS dimensionally) dimension 6 above the heart chakra and each one up to 13 was a clear kidney shaped bubble one on top of the other then dimension 1 was below my feet but on the same plane as my body... and moved up my body to 5 just below the heart.
The specific band would locate an area usually in my shoulders or upper back and neck... that area would glow yellow / orange... and then merge into pinks and then relax in intensity until I could see the true shape of my physical body The healing band (which is one of the 32 BARS on the head) also connected to hayfever which connected to immune system and respiratory system. (I was) full on sleep at several times, much stomach / digestion conversation the whole time, when it cleared there was a pattern that came into focus ... sometimes rectangle and square shaped brown on grey background.... or ovals orange on purple backgrounds, one clearing was first the image of points of light connected with lines... the lines vanished, then the points dimmed and vanished my feeling was this was brain synapsis. all for now> JP"
“Having come home feeling absolutely wonderful, thought perhaps you’d like to know just how much my session with you this morning has meant to me. When I arrived I was still feeling quite fragile after my serious illness, and with each stage of the natural progression of your work, it was like a miracle –just one miracle after another, as my whole being became alive again, right there on the table. As you so lovingly worked, I could feel my body being infused with an entirely different vibration - I felt so light and alive, as all the remaining darkness of my illness was eliminated and replaced with an amazing healing energy that filled my whole being. Your healing gifts are like a miracle to me, and I am so grateful that I have the privilege of such an amazing total healing experience, felt instantaneously,
and with long term results. Once again my heartfelt thanks, With Love and Light, Pat”
“I was feeling stressed from work and tired of hearing the negative chatter in my head all the time. After receiving 1 and ½ hour of BARS with Nadia, I was light and had total clarity and during the session many thoughts went through my head, none of them was negative. I am excited with the new possibilities opening up in my life, Thank you for such unique experience. Linda”
May You Grow in Wisdom, Flourish in Love, Dance in Joy, Shine in Light!!!
Nadia Wang, Certified Facilitator/Kinesiologist/Qigong Instructor
Neo Energy Healing