Neo Energy Healing

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What if everyday of our lives is a celebration?
How much fun and majik will we be having
each day and everyday?
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I love what I do for living and take great joy in working one-on-one with clients and teaching workshops in many subjects and healing modalities including:
Access Consciousness Bars (Certified Facilitator)
Access Foundation
Access Level One
Money, Wealth and Prosperity
Living with Entities
Access Energetic Facelift
Access Correcting Vision
Access Right Relationship for You (Certified Facilitator)
Access Right Recovery for You (Certified Facilitator)
Conscious Leadership for Businesses and Organisations
and many other Access workshops
Qigong (Taichi) Energy Healing (Medical Qigong Master)
Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program for Children and Adults
Nutrition, Food Sensitivity and Weight Management
TMJ RESET (Balance the jaw, balance the body)
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Feng Shui and Space Clearing for Businesses and Homes
Ear Candling and
Infinite Possibilities
I am a desired guest speaker at the Melbourne Theosophical Society and Inner Peace, Simply Natural Therapies, local Community Centres etc. I also facilitate workshops overseas, countries including Singapore, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Malaysia, Taiwan and many more... As I speak fluent Mandarin, I offer ACCESS to countries that require Chinese language.
I choose to live every moment of my life as a celebration, celebrating being the greatness of me and the greatness of my life.
Are you willing to have total allowance of you and others for the sheer joy of a conscious living. What invitation and contribution can I be to you and your living, together we contribution to the consciousness of this glorious Planet.
I facilitate Access core classes: Bars, Foundation and Level One, usually every month, also facilitate a variety of other classes as listed above and also on the Access Website: I also travel overseas to facilitate workshops. If you would like to invite me to you organisation, homes or countries that are not listed on my website, please email me and call me directly to confirm details for me to organise a time and date that works for you.
How does it get any better than that and what else is possible?