Neo Energy Healing

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What if everyday of our lives is a celebration?
How much fun and magic will we be having
each day and everyday?
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Go straight to Access website: for all workshops Access Consciousness Foundation Workshop: Click here for workshop content and registerDate: Sat - Sun, 20-21 April 2013, 9.00am - 5.30pm at the Point, Bargara. Your Abundant Contribution: $600 for 2 days.Would you like to live on a planet where everyone is in total communion with everything, where consciousness and awareness is where everyone functions from, with no judgment or limitations?
Are you willing to be you ... and change the world?
Would you like to assist in increasing the happiness quota in people's lives, so that there is the possibility of living an extraordinary life, instead of a life filled with pain and suffering?
If so, then this class is for you.
Your Say: "Dear Nadia, It was an honour to be a participant of the Access Consciousness BARS, Foundation and Level 1 courses you held recently. It literally turned my world upside down. Who I perceived I was is not who I truly am. It has highlighted where I have created my limitations. I now have the tools to move beyond these limitations and change whatever it is that is not working in my life. How does it get any better than that. Regards, Lucy”
What if you too can have all your limitations cleared and be free from the matrix, the duality that has been locking you in? What if you can generate and create your own reality, be the master of your life, having peace of joy and joy of peace. Will choosing Access Foundation workshop be rewarding for your and your body? Will this choice expand your agenda?