Neo Energy Healing

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What if everyday of our lives is a celebration?
How much fun and magic will we be having
each day and everyday?
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The Clearing Statement
Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds
In this audio, Dr. Dain Heer provides a clear explanation of the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement
Access Clearing Statement by Dr. Dain Heer
Here's the written version
Right and Wrong, Good and Bad
What’s good, perfect and correct about this?
What’s wrong, mean, vicious, terrible, bad, and awful about this?
What’s right and wrong, good and bad?
Is the point of destruction immediately following whatever you decided. It’s like pulling the bottom card out of a house of cards. The whole thing falls down.
Is the point of creation of the thoughts, feelings and emotions immediately preceding whatever you decided.
All 9
Stands for nine layers of crap that we're taking out. You know that somewhere in those nine layers, there’s got to be a pony because you couldn’t put that much crap in one place without having a pony in there. It’s crap that you’re generating yourself, which is the bad part. The good part is because you created it, you can change it.
Is the short version of: What’s meaningful about this? What’s meaningless about this? What’s the punishment for this? What’s the reward for this?
Stands for nucleated spheres. Have you ever been told you have to peel the layers of the onion to get to the core of an issue? Well, this is it—except it’s not an onion. It’s an energetic structure that looks like one. These are pre-verbal. Have you ever seen one of those kids’ bubble pipes? Blow here and you create a mass of bubbles on the other end of the pipe? As you pop one bubble it fills back in. Basically these have to do with those areas of our life where we’ve tried to change something continuously with no effect. This is what keeps something repeating ad infinitum…
Are feelings or sensations you get that stop your heart, stop your breath, or stop your willingness to look at possibilities. It’s like when your business is in the red and you get another final notice and you say argh! You weren’t expecting that right now.
Tools, Techniques and Questions:
Here is some info for you to start having fun with in your day-to-day. You may choose to use it to your advantage.
What will it take for your family to be a conscious family functioning from total awareness?
Every night as you go to bed, say:
I uncreate and destroy my relationship with myself, everyone else and everything else as I know it,
times god zillion, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POC and POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys
and Beyonds.
Pls refer to the above attached audio for explanation on the Clearing Statement of Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POC and POD, All 9 Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Everywhere I have aligned and agreed with and resisted and reacted to anything and anyone, I now uncreate and destroy it all, times god zillion, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POC and POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Every time you have the physical sensation of panic or anxiety etc, just start telling your body: hey, body, we are excited, wow, yeh, thank you, body for being excited. How does it get any better than that?
99.9999% of the stuff (thoughts, feelings and emotions) are not yours as you are an infinite being, always ask the question: Would an infinite being truly choose that? So every time your body, as a sensory organ, picks up stuff, just say: who does this belong to? Return to sender with consciousness and gratitude attached. Anything that’s not returned I uncreate and destroy it all now, times god zillion, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POC and POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Infinite Being functions from total allowance which is everything is just an interesting point of view: so if you have a point of view that you are not good enough, just say: it is an interesting point of view that I have this point of view that I am not good enough. If it is someone else’s point of view about you, just say: it’s an interesting point of view that they have this point of view that I am stupid. If you say that 10 times on every point of view you have, you will make that point of view go away. You will become a rock in the stream, allowing the water to flow by you, not into you. You may also say that under your breath during the meeting when someone says something that upsets you, just say it is an interesting point of view that they have this point of view that my work is not good enough, etc.
An infinite being functions from perceiving, knowing, being and receiving, a finite being functions from feeling, thinking and emoting and no receiving, these are bodily function through the 5 senses. So when you say I think I can, start saying I know I can, when you say I feel tired, start saying I sense some tiredness in this body or I perceive some tiredness in this body.
Infinite Being functions from Question, Choice, Possibility and Contribution. Question opens the energy, allowing infinite possibilities to show up for you to choose from, as you have fun and joy in choosing, you will open up more possibilities, and ask questions again. This is not a question-answer type of question, this is a question-awareness type of questions, eg, if you ask What joyful possibility can I be that would allow money to show up straight away? You do not answer the question. By way of asking, you have engaged all the molecules of the whole universe to bring that into actualisation for you, how do you know this is happening, you will have awareness that prompts you to follow the energy, whatever it shows up in your life that matches the energy of the question you are asking.
Some great questions to ask and clearing to do any time that can be of contribution:
What change am I now capable of being and refusing to be that if I truly choose to be it, would change everything in my life, living, reality and future? Everything that is, times zillion, I now uncreate and destroy it all, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POC and POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
What point of view am I not willing to change, that if I change that, it will allow a different possibility to show up here? Everything that is, times god zillion, I now uncreate and destroy it all. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POC and POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
What stupidity am I using to create lack of living that I am choosing? Everything that is, times godzillion, I now uncreate and destroy it all, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POC and POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
What will I choose now that will create most fun for the day?
What must I perceive, know, be and receive that would allow me to have total clarity and ease with Money?
If the money weren't the issue, what would I choose to have in my life?
If I had $100 Million to play with, what would I create as my life, how would I gift to others to change their realities?
What if money were a gift, would I choose to receive it with total ease and willingness?
What must I perceive, know, be and receive that would allow me to be the greatness I truly choose to be with total ease and joy?
What will it take for me to outcreate myself today and everyday?
Who and what can I be that would create most living today?
What can I be that would inspire others to be?
What will take take to be all of me 24/7 non stop?
How does it get any better than that?
What will it take for me to function from infinite perceiving, knowing, being and receiving?
What generative energy, space and consciousness can my body and I be to allow me to claim, own and be the infinite being I truly be?
What else is possible?
What are the infinite possibilities for … to show up?
Would an infinite being truly choose this?
What would it take for (whatever you desire) to show up?
Who am I today and What grand and glorious adventures will I have?
How much magic will I choose to be and receive today and everyday?
What does the Planet require of me today?
What question can I ask here?
What choice do I truly have?
What possibility is present here?
What contribution can I be that will change all of this?
What am I grateful for today?
What would it take for this to turn out far greater than I could imagine?
If I was living my life today, what would I choose?
What would I like my future to be?
What would I like my day/week/month/year etc to be?
Remember do not answer any of these questions, they are not your average question/answer types of questions, they are the questions that generate awareness, open energy, allow infinite possibilities to show up.
Please visit the most important website of your life: The info on this website will shock you and will transform your life and it is all free.
After you have had your Bars run, your body will require sugar, salt and water and lots of sleep. I recommend you drink at least 2 litres of water, and start using the Himalayan Crystal salt in Chunks (Nirvana Organics brand), put a few chunks of the salt into a glass jar, shake it well, put it in the fridge, let it dissolve overnight, then every morning, pour a teaspoon of this salt solution into a glass of filtered water and drink it. Throughout the day, for every 1.25 litre of water you drink, you need to a glass of water with a teaspoon of salt. This will put all the trace minerals back into your body and will allow your body to be thirsty and to hold the water inside and outside the cells.
The gift I am is the capacity to be greater than I have ever been.
All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory. Say this 10 times in the morning and 10 times at night, it will change your mind programming and everthing!
Clearing Statement:
Tools, Techniques and Questions:
Free Audio of an Interview with Gary Douglous Feb 2013: free audio