Neo Energy Healing

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What if everyday of our lives is a celebration?
How much fun and magic will we be having
each day and everyday?
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Go straight to Access Website: for all workshop
Access Right Voice For You - Breakthrough Intro (Express yourself creatively), click here to register, Your Abundant Contribution: $50
If changing your voice required changing your life... would you be willing?
Right Voice For You is a workshop which uses the tools and processes of Access Consciousness to assist people (singers, business people, house wives, writers, actors') with finding and sharing their voice with the world. These workshops help unlock all the things that keep you from singing, writing, speaking, or communicating in your own
The magic of Right Voice For You is its ability to assist people in letting go of
judgments and conclusions that have stifled them and their creative voice. The beauty of these tools is you don't have to know what's keeping you stuck. You don't have to know why things aren't working; you just have to be willing to consider a different possibility.
This intro class will give you tools and clearings to begin unraveling this area of you life so you can have more of you in any area of your life
Right Voice for You taster (its Access tools for being the star in your life, owning your greatness, and Being you with anyone).